Parents Night Out

 First Friday of every month from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

The night consists of pizza, a craft, a Bible lesson, and lots of fun and games! Registration is required for all children, Register Here.



 Awana Sunday Mornings

Discipleship ministry for kids 3 years old – 12th grade. Awana reaches kids with the Gospel and encourages them in long term discipleship consisting of three components: Belong, Believe, Become.

Awana Sunday Morning schedule:

9:00 am – Awana for 6th – 12th grade

                                                            10:30 am – Awana for 3 year olds – 5th 




Our Sunday Morning focus is for Kids to Know, Grow, and Serve Jesus Christ.

Our vision is to see Kids come to KNOW Jesus in a personal way and experience his amazing love for them.

Our vision is to help Kids GROW in their relationship with God. 

Our vision is to inspire Kids to SERVE, as Jesus served, in and through the church.   


                                    Sunday Morning Opportunities

9:00 – Sunday School for Kids 3 years old through 5th grade

9:00 – Awana for Kids 6th through 12th grade

10:30 – Awana for Kids 3 years old through 5th grade

10:30 – Sunday Morning Worship for Kids 6th through 12th grade




Nursery, Toddler and Preschool

Our Newborn, Crawler, and Toddler Nursery is available for all newborns to 2 year olds, during all of our Sunday Morning Services. This bright and cheerful room has a separate crib and nursing room, crawler room and playroom and is staffed by capable workers to give your child the protection and attention they deserve.


                                          Other Kids Ministries